KubeArmor Events Supported formats
Native Json format (this document)
KubeArmor CEF Format (coming soon...)
Container Telemetry
Container Telemetry Fields format
Log field
gives information about the cluster for which the log was generated
gives details about what type of operation happened in the pod
information about the container ID from where log was generated
shows the image that was used to spin up the container
specifies the Container name where the log got generated
shows the system call that was invoked for this operation
shows the node name where the log got generated
gives the host Process ID
list the details of host Parent Process ID
shows the pod label from where log generated
gives the message specified in the policy
Alert! Execution of package management process inside container is denied
lists the namespace where pod is running
lists the process ID running in container
lists the Parent process ID running in container
gives the parent process name from where the operation happend
lists the pod name where the log got generated
specifies the operation that happened inside the pod for this log
lists the resources that was requested
shows whether the event was allowed or denied
lists the source from where the operation request came
specifies it as container log
Process Log
Copy {
"ClusterName": "default",
"HostName": "aks-agentpool-16128849-vmss000000",
"NamespaceName": "default",
"PodName": "vault-0",
"Labels": "app.kubernetes.io/instance=vault,app.kubernetes.io/name=vault,component=server,helm.sh/chart=vault-0.24.1,statefulset.kubernetes.io/pod-name=vault-0",
"ContainerID": "775fb27125ee8d9e2f34d6731fbf3bf677a1038f79fe8134856337612007d9ae",
"ContainerName": "vault",
"ContainerImage": "docker.io/hashicorp/vault:1.13.1@sha256:b888abc3fc0529550d4a6c87884419e86b8cb736fe556e3e717a6bc50888b3b8",
"ParentProcessName": "/usr/bin/runc",
"ProcessName": "/bin/sh",
"HostPPID": 2514065,
"HostPID": 2514068,
"PPID": 2514065,
"PID": 3552620,
"UID": 100,
"Type": "ContainerLog",
"Source": "/usr/bin/runc",
"Operation": "Process",
"Resource": "/bin/sh -ec vault status -tls-skip-verify",
"Data": "syscall=SYS_EXECVE",
"Result": "Passed"
File Log
Copy {
"ClusterName": "default",
"HostName": "aks-agentpool-16128849-vmss000000",
"NamespaceName": "accuknox-agents",
"PodName": "discovery-engine-6f5c4df7b4-q8zbc",
"Labels": "app=discovery-engine",
"ContainerID": "7aca8d52d35ab7872df6a454ca32339386be755d9ed6bd6bf7b37ec6aaf277e4",
"ContainerName": "discovery-engine",
"ContainerImage": "docker.io/accuknox/knoxautopolicy:v0.9@sha256:bb83b5c6d41e0d0aa3b5d6621188c284ea99741c3692e34b0f089b0e74745413",
"ParentProcessName": "/usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2",
"ProcessName": "/knoxAutoPolicy",
"HostPPID": 967496,
"HostPID": 967872,
"PPID": 967496,
"PID": 1,
"Type": "ContainerLog",
"Source": "/knoxAutoPolicy",
"Operation": "File",
"Resource": "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token",
"Data": "syscall=SYS_OPENAT fd=-100 flags=O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC",
"Result": "Passed"
Network Log
Copy {
"ClusterName": "default",
"HostName": "aks-agentpool-16128849-vmss000001",
"NamespaceName": "accuknox-agents",
"PodName": "policy-enforcement-agent-7946b64dfb-f4lgv",
"Labels": "app=policy-enforcement-agent",
"ContainerID": "b597629c9b59304c779c51839e9a590fa96871bdfdf55bfec73b26c9fb7647d7",
"ContainerName": "policy-enforcement-agent",
"ContainerImage": "public.ecr.aws/k9v9d5v2/policy-enforcement-agent:v0.1.0@sha256:005c1fde3ff8a667f3ac7540c5c011c752a7e3aaa2c89aa335703289ed8d80f8",
"ParentProcessName": "/usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2",
"ProcessName": "/home/pea/main",
"HostPPID": 1394403,
"HostPID": 1394554,
"PPID": 1394403,
"PID": 1,
"Type": "ContainerLog",
"Source": "./main",
"Operation": "Network",
"Resource": "sa_family=AF_INET sin_port=53 sin_addr=",
"Data": "syscall=SYS_CONNECT fd=10",
"Result": "Passed"
Container Alerts
Container alerts are generated when there is a policy violation or audit event that is raised due to a policy action. For example, a policy might block execution of a process. When the execution is blocked by KubeArmor enforcer, KubeArmor generates an alert event implying policy action. In the case of an Audit action, the KubeArmor will only generate an alert without actually blocking the action.
The primary difference in the container alerts events vs the telemetry events (showcased above) is that the alert events contains certain additional fields such as policy name because of which the alert was generated and other metadata such as "Tags", "Message", "Severity" associated with the policy rule.
Container Alerts Fields format
Alert Field
specifies the action of the policy it has matched.
gives information about the cluster for which the alert was generated
gives details about what type of operation happened in the pod
information about the container ID where the policy violation or alert got generated
shows the image that was used to spin up the container
specifies the Container name where the alert got generated
shows the system call that was invoked for this operation
it specifies the name of the LSM that has enforced the policy
shows the node name where the alert got generated
gives the host Process ID
list the details of host Parent Process ID
shows the pod label from where alert generated
gives the message specified in the policy
Alert! Execution of package management process inside container is denied
lists the namespace where pod is running
lists the process ID running in container
lists the Parent process ID running in container
gives the parent process name from where the operation happend
lists the pod name where the alert got generated
gives the policy that was matched for this alert generation
specifies the operation that happened inside the pod for this alert
lists the resources that was requested
shows whether the event was allowed or denied
gives the severity level of the operation
lists the source from where the operation request came
specifies the list of benchmarks this policy satisfies
gives the details of the time this event tried to happen
shows whether policy matched or default posture alert
gives the time of this alert
specifies the cluster id where the alert was generated
gives the component which generated this log/alert
specifies the tenant id where this cluster is onboarded in AccuKnox SaaS
Process Alert
Copy {
"ClusterName": "default",
"HostName": "aks-agentpool-16128849-vmss000001",
"NamespaceName": "wordpress-mysql",
"PodName": "wordpress-787f45786f-2q9wf",
"Labels": "app=wordpress",
"ContainerID": "72de193fc8d849cd052affae5a53a27111bcefb75385635dcb374acdf31a5548",
"ContainerName": "wordpress",
"ContainerImage": "docker.io/library/wordpress:4.8-apache@sha256:6216f64ab88fc51d311e38c7f69ca3f9aaba621492b4f1fa93ddf63093768845",
"HostPPID": 495804,
"HostPID": 495877,
"PPID": 309835,
"PID": 309841,
"ParentProcessName": "/bin/bash",
"ProcessName": "/usr/bin/apt",
"PolicyName": "harden-wordpress-pkg-mngr-exec",
"Severity": "5",
"Tags": "NIST,NIST_800-53_CM-7(4),SI-4,process,NIST_800-53_SI-4",
"ATags": [
"Message": "Alert! Execution of package management process inside container is denied",
"Type": "MatchedPolicy",
"Source": "/bin/bash",
"Operation": "Process",
"Resource": "/usr/bin/apt",
"Data": "syscall=SYS_EXECVE",
"Enforcer": "AppArmor",
"Action": "Block",
"Result": "Permission denied"
File Alert
Copy {
"ClusterName": "default",
"HostName": "aks-agentpool-16128849-vmss000001",
"NamespaceName": "wordpress-mysql",
"PodName": "wordpress-787f45786f-2q9wf",
"Labels": "app=wordpress",
"ContainerID": "72de193fc8d849cd052affae5a53a27111bcefb75385635dcb374acdf31a5548",
"ContainerName": "wordpress",
"ContainerImage": "docker.io/library/wordpress:4.8-apache@sha256:6216f64ab88fc51d311e38c7f69ca3f9aaba621492b4f1fa93ddf63093768845",
"HostPPID": 495804,
"HostPID": 496390,
"PPID": 309835,
"PID": 309842,
"ParentProcessName": "/bin/bash",
"ProcessName": "/bin/rm",
"PolicyName": "harden-wordpress-file-integrity-monitoring",
"Severity": "1",
"Tags": "NIST,NIST_800-53_AU-2,NIST_800-53_SI-4,MITRE,MITRE_T1036_masquerading,MITRE_T1565_data_manipulation",
"ATags": [
"Message": "Detected and prevented compromise to File integrity",
"Type": "MatchedPolicy",
"Source": "/bin/rm /sbin/raw",
"Operation": "File",
"Resource": "/sbin/raw",
"Data": "syscall=SYS_UNLINKAT flags=",
"Enforcer": "AppArmor",
"Action": "Block",
"Result": "Permission denied"
Network Alert
Copy {
"ClusterName": "default",
"HostName": "aks-agentpool-16128849-vmss000000",
"NamespaceName": "default",
"PodName": "vault-0",
"Labels": "app.kubernetes.io/instance=vault,app.kubernetes.io/name=vault,component=server,helm.sh/chart=vault-0.24.1,statefulset.kubernetes.io/pod-name=vault-0",
"ContainerID": "775fb27125ee8d9e2f34d6731fbf3bf677a1038f79fe8134856337612007d9ae",
"ContainerName": "vault",
"ContainerImage": "docker.io/hashicorp/vault:1.13.1@sha256:b888abc3fc0529550d4a6c87884419e86b8cb736fe556e3e717a6bc50888b3b8",
"HostPPID": 2203523,
"HostPID": 2565259,
"PPID": 2203523,
"PID": 3558570,
"UID": 100,
"ParentProcessName": "/usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2",
"ProcessName": "/bin/vault",
"PolicyName": "ksp-vault-network",
"Severity": "8",
"Type": "MatchedPolicy",
"Source": "/bin/vault status -tls-skip-verify",
"Operation": "Network",
"Resource": "domain=AF_UNIX type=SOCK_STREAM|SOCK_NONBLOCK|SOCK_CLOEXEC protocol=0",
"Data": "syscall=SYS_SOCKET",
"Enforcer": "eBPF Monitor",
"Action": "Audit",
"Result": "Passed"
Host Alerts
The fields are self-explanatory and have similar meaning as in the context of container based events (explained above).
Process Alert
Copy {
"Timestamp": 1692813948,
"UpdatedTime": "2023-08-23T18:05:48.301798Z",
"ClusterName": "default",
"HostName": "gke-my-first-cluster-1-default-pool-9144db50-81gb",
"HostPPID": 1979,
"HostPID": 1787227,
"PPID": 1979,
"PID": 1787227,
"ParentProcessName": "/bin/bash",
"ProcessName": "/bin/sleep",
"PolicyName": "sleep-deny",
"Severity": "5",
"Type": "MatchedHostPolicy",
"Source": "/bin/bash",
"Operation": "Process",
"Resource": "/usr/bin/sleep 10",
"Data": "syscall=SYS_EXECVE",
"Enforcer": "BPFLSM",
"Action": "Block",
"Result": "Permission denied"
Blocked SETGID Note that KubeArmor also alerts events blocked due to other system policy enforcement. For example, if an SELinux native rule blocks an action, KubeArmor will report those as well as DefaultPosture
events. Following is an example of such event:
Copy {
"Timestamp": 1692814089,
"UpdatedTime": "2023-08-23T18:08:09.522743Z",
"ClusterName": "default",
"HostName": "gke-my-first-cluster-1-default-pool-9144db50-81gb",
"HostPPID": 1791315,
"HostPID": 1791316,
"PPID": 1791315,
"PID": 1791316,
"UID": 204,
"ParentProcessName": "/usr/sbin/sshd",
"ProcessName": "/usr/sbin/sshd",
"PolicyName": "DefaultPosture",
"Type": "MatchedHostPolicy",
"Source": "/usr/sbin/sshd",
"Operation": "Syscall",
"Data": "syscall=SYS_SETGID userid=0",
"Enforcer": "BPFLSM",
"Action": "Block",
"Result": "Operation not permitted"
Blocked SETUID Note that KubeArmor also alerts events blocked due to other system policy enforcement. For example, if an SELinux native rule blocks an action, KubeArmor will report those as well as DefaultPosture
events. Following is an example of such event:
Copy {
"Timestamp": 1692814089,
"UpdatedTime": "2023-08-23T18:08:09.523964Z",
"ClusterName": "default",
"HostName": "gke-my-first-cluster-1-default-pool-9144db50-81gb",
"HostPPID": 1791315,
"HostPID": 1791316,
"PPID": 1791315,
"PID": 1791316,
"UID": 204,
"ParentProcessName": "/usr/sbin/sshd",
"ProcessName": "/usr/sbin/sshd",
"PolicyName": "DefaultPosture",
"Type": "MatchedHostPolicy",
"Source": "/usr/sbin/sshd",
"Operation": "Syscall",
"Data": "syscall=SYS_SETUID userid=0",
"Enforcer": "BPFLSM",
"Action": "Block",
"Result": "Operation not permitted"